Amazing sea garbage are swallowing our lives

We always think that if we throw away the garbage we make, it will not exist.

But the real fact is that all the garbage we throw away has become a killing weapon.

Ocean, this amazing world,

It is being polluted by human beings at an alarming rate...

Humanity has faced many choices:

Between economy and nature, we choose to turn a blind eye to environmental protection.

Smart humans choose the comfort and convenience of the moment and choose to ignore it

After the storm

All plastic waste is blown ashore

Dense white pollution makes scalp numb

It's incredible compared to what we saw before the storm.

(original coast__)

According to the data of the Bali Provincial Environment Agency,

Bali produces 3,800 tons of garbage a day.

Only 60% of them are eventually landfilled and the rest are discharged into the sea.

Nearly 50 tons of garbage are washed ashore every day.

This is more than 10 times the load of the island itself.

And these mountains of plastic garbage

It's all made up of plastic bottles thrown away by human beings.

I don't know when, the beach edge of this island covered by piles of garbage.

It is man himself who has destroyed the island ecology once and for all.

Waste washed into the sea

Heavy rains or storms once occur

Thousands of tons of garbage will devour the beach.

Then there will be the scene of the above shock.

Yes, after the disaster, nature returned the evil we had done.

The rubbish we throw away does not disappear, but becomes a booster for us to die step by step.

Why is that?

In other words, a team of scientists from many countries once reported that at least 268,000 tons of plastic waste were floating on the world's sea level.

last summer

A dying whale appears on a beach in southern Thailand

After 5 days of emergency rescue

The whale struggled to spit out five plastic bags

—— Declare death

The staff dissected its body.

They're in the belly of a whale.

More than 80 black plastic bags were found.

These plastic bags weigh eight kilograms!

We can't imagine,

How difficult it is to breathe when it eats the plastic bag by mistake.

How desperate it was before it died when the body was seriously infected

Some time ago, in Indonesia

Another dead whale appeared

It was found after dissection.

More than 200 plastic bags and bottles in his stomach

Skyte Island, England,

There was also a whale stranded on the shore.

Researchers dissect its body.

It was found in its stomach.

Full 4 kg of plastic waste!

Norwegian zoologist

An autopsy of a stranded whale's stomach revealed that

Whales are surrounded by more than 30 plastic bags.

There is hardly any fat.

The stomach and intestine are blocked by all kinds of garbage.

There are also turtles trapped in fishing nets__

Seals cut alive by nylon rope__

Wrong use of plastic as food to feed the baby's mother bird__

Seagulls suffocated by plastic bags

Seals strangled with steel wire and tearful eyes

Turtles killed by mistake eating plastic__

A large number of plastic bags, bamboo poles, pots and bottles float in the ocean.

Even submerged the living environment of fish.

They have taken away the freedom that should belong to the seabed creatures.

About 40-12 million tons in 2010 alone

Plastics are swept into the sea by waves.

Plastic waste takes 400 years even longer to degrade.

Where did all this rubbish go?

Researchers at the University of Vienna pointed out

It is estimated that more than half of the world's population can be found in the body.

—— Plastic Particles

The size of PM2.5, known as PM2.5, is very small in the offshore oceans.

Diameter less than 2 mm, we can hardly see a large number of that.

There are about five trillion plastic particles in the ocean.

It weighs 270,000 tons and is easily ingested by marine organisms.

Microplastics from offshore to ocean, from surface to deep sea

Even in the rarely traveled North and South Poles.

So you think you're safe.

Actually, you're just like those sea creatures.

It's just that they have a whole piece of plastic inside them.

And your body is a plastic particle.

Some people wonder: I didn't eat plastic.

Why do you have plastic particles in your body?

The answer is simple.

You don't know what you ate.

As early as 2017,

Scientists have discovered plastic particles in microorganisms.

"Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, shrimp eat mud."

Mud is where microorganisms gather.

Under the interlocking ring, not only fish, but also turtles, whales, birds and other more than 200 species have ingested plastic particles in varying degrees.

From being discarded by us, to returning to our stomachs again, plastics complete a perfect cycle along the biological chain.

Some people will say: I don't eat seafood, can I just eat vegetarian?

Think simply

If you use water, you will add salt.

But our water and salt are already polluted.

A few years ago, researchers discovered plastic ingredients in salt.

And the latest research shows that

At present, more than 90% of the world's salt is consumed.

Brands all detect plastic particles

Including refined rock salt sold in supermarkets.

Water is no exception.

Global tap water

83% were detected to contain microplastics

The United States, with the highest content, has 94 percent.

The lowest number of European countries is 72%.

That's it. Plastic particles enter our bodies in a variety of ways.

The bitters of environmental deterioration are devoured by human beings themselves

They can't digest, they can't degrade.

It just keeps accumulating in our bodies.

Those mussels, prawns, crabs, people are happy to eat. But who ever thought that they were all decompositions of plastic bags, cotton swabs and wet urine that we threw away.

The plastic garbage we threw away has changed into another form and returned to our mouth, stomach and blood.

Yes, at the beginning, they will come back. And the harm that these things do to us will not only be rewarded to a generation.

Data show that one out of 33 newborn babies worldwide has birth defects, and the proportion is increasing year by year.

Increasing environmental pollution is an important factor leading to birth defects. We have learned since childhood that the earth is a circular system. Water, air, land, sea, animals, human beings, all things in one, no one can be alone.

An expert later said with emotion, "If you don't stop it in time, it's not as easy as typhoon to take back the garbage again."

Yes, far more.



The branch of TCN was built in shanghai~~~